Wir sprechen über das Ausnutzen des menschlichen Faktors in der IT Security.
- Social engineering
- nigerian scam
- hello sir 4khz
- bots talk to scammers as long as possible
- the art of deception
- social engineering tool kit
- catch me if you can
- sneakers
- Matchstick Men
- shibboleet
- pentesting
- ghostbusters2
- web of trust
- hackerethik
- spear fishing
- watering hole attack
- gen sequenzer hacked by dna
- mentos + coke lite
- all people are replicants
- ich hab ja nichts zu verbergen
- strafbarkeit der männlichen homosexualität bis '94
- the circle
- spoiler alert podcast
- heard you like $foo so we put an $bar in your $foo so ...